Student Code of Conduct

Integrative Attachment Therapy (IAT) expects students to behave in an appropriate and courteous manner to other students, staff and stakeholders. Our expectations of how students conduct themselves is as current mental health care professional who are relational experts. Current students should attempt to understand and empathise with other people in all situations as this will result in understanding and sympathetic relations to others.

Students are expected to;

  • follow the Student Code of Conduct
  • comply with IATā€™s policies and procedures
  • ensure the confidentiality of information provided by other students and staff is adhered to
  • treat other students, academic and administration staff with respect and courtesy
  • communicate with courtesy and consideration including in person and online
  • respect the political, religious, and personal beliefs of colleagues and recognise the benefits that individual learning styles, needs and points of view bring to the learning environment
  • refrain from intimidating or bullying behaviour towards others and from harassing, discriminating against or vilifying other staff or stakeholders on the basis of gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, beliefs, opinions, or background
  • attend class in person or online, appropriately dressed and presented meet IATā€™s attendance requirements
  • use facilities and resources responsibly including IT in an appropriate and legal manner
  • comply with directions given by management and delegated staff to promote safety, order and management
  • recognise and respect the student/teacher relationship and act accordingly in class
  • recognise and respect the student-to-student relationship and act accordingly conduct affairs with IAT, with integrity, respect and courtesy
  • respect academic integrity and intellectual property by undertaking academic work with integrity and honesty
  • provide accurate personal details and ensure upkeep of details are maintained ensure they are not, by the consumption of alcohol or drugs, in such a state as to endanger the health and safety of themselves or others.
  • respect the requirements of the course